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Optimizing Your Resume & LinkedIn

Description: Are you curious about how to optimize your LinkedIn profile for your job search? Are you looking for tools to help make your resume stand out in a crowd? Join Hannah Stevenson, a Career Educator, to learn how to build a cohesive job application package for a career in the life sciences. We will discuss optimizing your LinkedIn, tips, and tricks to maximize the LinkedIn algorithm and discuss what makes a resume stand out.

About our Speaker: Hannah Stevenson (she/her), is a Career Educator with Career Exploration & Education. She collaborates with University of Toronto students and recent alumni as they build their future in our changing world. Whether learners are looking for a job, considering further education, or determining what you they can do with their degree – they can meet with a Career Educator for support. Hannah brings an anti-oppression framework to her role and seeks to support students and recent alumni to build a career that honours and integrates their whole, authentic selves.

May 13

Day 3 - Life Sciences Career Expo: Starting Your Career Journey

October 13

Mini-Networking Night 1: Pharma and R&D